Submitted by Morbus Iff on Mon, 1999-01-18 00:00
203,167 ACCESSES in one week - that's a new Disobey record.... DEVIL SHAT begins the trip into Level Four - about another two days and it'll be done.... DNN moves into Level Four with more organization and better standards...... "We even have a 'boo' button on the remote that ... you can click to tell the system what COMMERCIALS YOU HATE".
Submitted by Morbus Iff on Thu, 1999-01-14 00:00
Also new and available is CHICO'S GROOVE (#THGIEYTNEWT) with details of the most pathetic and biggest character builder Morbus has gone through (read it and then make fun of me behind my back).... New DEVIL SHAT (#FORTYFOUR) released explaining how wonderful and horrible advertising is, while being randomly divided by a three word poem - read it.
Submitted by Morbus Iff on Wed, 1999-01-13 00:00
"The only place for tasteless, useless, trashy, politically incorrect, rude, silly, stupid, meaningless, obnoxious, extreme, waste of bandwidth homepages!" Hmm - INTERNET TRASH sounds like my type of place.... GHOST SITES moves into Level Four, with code corrections, whitespace reductions, and a scan of the t-shirt available - soon they'll be a friendlier Ghost-O-Meter as well.
Submitted by Morbus Iff on Tue, 1999-01-12 00:00
Check out the MILLENNIUM EZINE - one of those culture/fiction rags that is actually quite good.... Morbus discovering the joys of MPW and programming in C.... Besides being called a "hip hop duo", INSANE CLOWN POSSE will no longer appear in the WWF, because of being portrayed as "increasingly goofy and inaccurate".... Madame Tussaud's sews up CLINTON'S PANTS because people keep playing with the damn zipper on her figure in the wax musuem.
Submitted by Morbus Iff on Mon, 1999-01-11 00:00
Work has begun again on BEATDOWN 1.0 - don't ask, give me a month.... LOW BANDWIDTH updated with all the normal archives as well as some minor changes.... ELECTROVERSE.COM - just what the hell is in there?... Want to hear BEN OHMART'S LYRICS? - well then, check out MP3.COM...
Submitted by Morbus Iff on Sat, 1999-01-09 00:00
Ok, you know those people who put out ...FOR DUMMIES? Yeah, well they purchased CLIFFS NOTES - how many weeks until "THE BIBLE, ANNOTATED... FOR DUMMIES"?.... New GHOST SITES #23 released, filled with decaying corpses submitted by its many readers. Find out about ShellShock, the Highway 17 Page of Shame, and many more.... UNAPIX buys HORRORMOVIES.COM, already owning THEHORRORSHOP.COM.
Submitted by Morbus Iff on Fri, 1999-01-08 00:00
A great little article on HEIRARCHY IN SITE ARCHITECTURE.... Welp, it's South Park twice in a row - only unintentional this time as MY INTERACTIVE POOH gives you a talking Winnie with songs, games, and interaction. And hey, it can be programmed to speak as well - I wonder if it can SING LIKE SHIT.... Hey! A new JEAN-CLAUDE VAN DAMME flick is being made! It's really original with Van Damme staring AS A SOLDIER in the - oh wait - um - nevermind.
Submitted by Morbus Iff on Thu, 1999-01-07 00:00
DREAMWORKS, the maker of ANTS and the PRINCE OF EGYPT, have begun work on THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE (adapted before as THE HAUNTING).... Trey Parker and Matt Stone applied for presidency of COMEDY CENTRAL - half good, half bad. More South Park items by them would be good, more ORGAZMO items by them would be bad - VERY bad.... Morbus having a ball BRUSHING UP ON HIS CGI, expect some stupid tricks coming soon.
Submitted by Morbus Iff on Wed, 1999-01-06 00:00
Finally got around to making these "intro" pages HTML 4.0 compliant, as well as adding all of the new places that GHOST SITES has been.... A new issue of VIEWER DISCRETION is available at LOW BANDWIDTH.... And you know how we updated COLLECTED WORKS yesterday? Well, we forgot to attribute the person who made that possible: DNA (whose webpages you can visit at HERE, THERE, WHERE, or BEAR).
Submitted by Morbus Iff on Tue, 1999-01-05 00:00
COLLECTED WORKS (hey! does anyone remember what that is?) FINALLY updated after about two months - five new fiction pieces by Ben Ohmart, as strange as his plays, or BETTER? Email him and let him know.... Ok, I know for a fact that this ain't an OFFICIAL TELETUBBY SITE.... Finally got around to changing all the damn copyright's everywhere - glad to have used the "image trick" though.