Ghyll:Encyclopedants Progress Report 4

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Revision as of 14:28, 10 October 2004 by Morbus Iff (talk | contribs) (Initial attempt at divulging fact from Darseed.)
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The Encyclopedants is a term applied to the small group of individuals who decided a collection of Ghyll intellect, in written and distributed form, was necessary for the bettering of society, as well as the benefit of future historians. The group now presides over the encyclopedia's integrity and "cohesion of vision". To remain an objective judge, the Encyclopedants attempt to focus only on "the facts as we're told them", asking questions, poking holes, and suggesting "standards" to further quality assurance. These Progress Reports are considered official communication between the Encyclopedants and their Scholars, and they encourage others to write their own thoughts and comments into the margins.

The Facts As We're Told Them

The fourth batch of entries consists of the following: Dagger Seas (Location), Darseed (Wildlife), Day of Champions (Other), Deathbug (Wildlife), DermPachyges (Organization), Doc Rockett (People), Doggerel plague (Other), Dŵplat (Location).

Dagger Seas (Location)

  • Primus, Segundus, Tertius, and Marty comprise the four Dagger Seas.
  • The Shallow Gulf dominates the western edge of known Ghyll.
  • Shallow Gulf was probably the site of the ancient city of Avaz Minor.
  • The Justice Device was detonated there in the Third Avazian War.
  • The seas are in fact estuaries, and have peninsulas between them.
  • The seas are freshwater, whereas the Shallow Gulf is saltwater.
  • Nomadic early Ghyllotines settled on the Dagger Sea shores.
  • Sea Spiders, Cucumbers, Saws, Monkeys, and Chanties inhabit the waters.
  • The shores of the Dagger Seas were settled as early as -5000 EC.
  • Major Dagger Sea city-states rose between -3000 and -2500 EC.
  • The Nitenmangrey ruled the peninsulas at one point.
  • The area was unaffected by the Conflict That Is Not Happening.
  • The Dagger Seas have recently become a hotbed of smuggling and piracy.
  • The ecology of the region has all but collapsed; fishing has ceased.
  • The War Chronicle of the CWWELAVOCPDDOWYA gives some hope.

Darseed (Wildlife)

  • The darseed is a bi-annual plant in the Oh-Look-A-Pretty-Flower family.
  • In the Spring, the flower faces Pinky; in Summer, it turns toward Perky.
  • Generally, the inner fruit of the seed is referred to as the darseed.
  • Darseed flowers bloom in the late Spring and late Fall (thus being "bi-annual").
  • Seeds collected in th e Spring are fit for replanting, not Calends Gala judging.
  • The darseed has no relatives, but religious farmers may be working on an offshoot.
  • Darseeds are farmed as far north as Baleman, and as far south as Iganefta.
  • Darseed oil is the flower's chief importance, and is extracted from seed, petals, and stalk.
  • The oil is used for cooking and lighting, the pulp for paper and feed, and husks for special inks.
  • Some experiments have shown the flower improves damp and moldering environments.
  • Of great social importance is the traditional darseed judging at the Calends Gala.
  • The darseed threshing scythe is a circular blade six nanits long, razor sharp.