User:Snood Trunion

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Revision as of 16:11, 25 October 2005 by Morbus Iff (talk | contribs) (Phantoms can only be created in entries, not user pages.)
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The Snood Trunion, "Scholar" and Purveyor of the Finest of Things

Hello, I am the Snood Trunion, last and greatest of the Trunion line. Actually, I don't know for sure that I am the last, as I don't speak to my family since they kicked me out of the basement. I am a scholar, which means I have free reign about the town to copy down my observances, and nobody can tell me my word is false. That also means I don't have to have a "real" job, so there's another plus.

My life consists of donning the preferred disguise of the day (as I am hideously ugly beneath) and walking about Folktown, where I live in the largest building in town. At least, it's largest to me, as I stand no taller than two or three kinanits. One thing I do have to say about the people of Folktown: your feet stink! Do you make it a point to trudge in every splak mound you find?

One last thing: my identity is my own, and not the intellectual property of some twenty-year-old sitting at his desk prescribing my past, present, and destiny. I am my own creature, damnit!

Bryan Andrews, Ghyll Player

A young man of twenty years making his home in rural Texas with wife and three children. At nineteen, obtained an electronic mailing address, situated at Yahoo!. Currently unemployed, as all great scholars tend to be.


Urching tracks, and phantom Toria.

No entry for V. My internet was shut off.

And another thing: This is my user page, and if I want to arbitrarily change some facets of my character, I will, damnit!

No worries there - largely, your user page is NOT CANON, so it has little effect on the rest of Ghyll-- unless, of course, you actually write about yourself in one of your official turns - at which point, then ANYONE could write about you (such as your family, now, in Urching tracks) and it has to be treated as fact. --Morbus Iff 11:27, 17 October 2005 (EDT)
I phantomed the Trunions for a reason--namely, that I don't know anything about them and I'm looking for someone who does.--Snood Trunion 15:11, 25 October 2005 (EDT)
Phantoms can only be created in entries, not user pages. --Morbus Iff 16:11, 25 October 2005 (EDT)