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Revision as of 23:55, 22 August 2005 by Dfaran L'Eniarc (talk | contribs) (Notes)
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Since nobody else is dibbing, I will. --Dfaran L'Eniarc 13:50, 21 Aug 2005 (EDT)

Marksfields has had little time to fight the fight left for him by his predecessor, but it appears he has had little interest in doing so. He mostly seems to ride the wave which ever way it may be taking him. Most recently he has, after moderate public pressure, approved the DasMineGold Center for Azurian Inquiry, which claims to be an outpost of the Aminfarances Institute of Science and Technomancy. It operates in association with the mines in investigating the economic and sculptural possibilities of the ore. Current projects include various types of dwellings, the NeoPostAncientism mobiles now on display at the Zaprosingfrink Gallery, and "something shiny", which they've refused to comment on.

Nevertheless, the public exposure has resulted in a widespread familiarity with the Djaknax Creation Manuscripts and the controversy surrounding them, even among the lay public. In fact, a recent installation in the Zaprosingfrink Gallery by a group of artists from the NeoPostAncientist school incorporated the fatal phrase "teh huor of dooom is upon us all!" written several thousand times in various substances and was signed "Sargewoold Pedresq's mothre."

One of Ghyll's more prestigious research stations, the DasMineGold Center for Azurian Inquiry, which claims to be an outpost of the Aminfarances Institute of Science and Technomancy, operates in association with the mines in investigating the economic and sculptural possiblities of the ore. Current projects include various types of dwellings, an economical aelfant shoe, and the NeoPostAncientism mobiles, now on display at the Zaprosingfrink Gallery.

Burnflies are classified as "Composite" in the classical biological taxonomy, as they are both "Insectile" and "Nocturnal". Tiny, bioluminescent, winged creatures, they are social but not hive organisms. Burnflies are trainable and long lived. They mate one to one, hunt in packs, and are found wherever moderate temperatures and an ample supply of prey smaller than themselves can be found. In most regions they are encouraged and welcomed; they control agricultural pests, add a brilliance to rural evening and morning landscapes, and are even used in some forms of modern art.

Normal" life in Egron doesn't consist of much: shambling to and fro, conceptual art based on the limbs of the lost, choruses of madness with no rhyme or reason, wheelbarrow races over flower gardens (an odd attempt at inter-species pollination), and what appears to be preservation: numerous infected have seen fit to write down their insanities, crafting a book not of the occult, but of oddities oppressed. It is currently unknown if any sane soul remains in Egron, or whether writing is a sufficient method of propulgation