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Use this template to summarize information about a piece of fiction.


| name           = 
| author         = 
| genre          =
| rating         =
| frequency      =
| image          = 
| image_link     =
| image_size     = 
| image_caption  = 


Note: * denotes required fields.

Parameter Explanation
name * The full common name of the fiction. (defaults to {{PAGENAME}} if empty).
author The linked name(s) of the author(s), separated with <br />.
genre The genre(s) of the fiction, separated with commas.
rating The rating of the fiction (PG-13, R, etc.).
frequency The frequency of the fiction.
image A relevant image for the fiction.
image_link A URL to visit instead of the full-size image itself.
image_size Image width (defaults to 200px if empty).
image_caption Image caption, which should tell more about the image.