User:Snood Trunion

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The Snood Trunion, "Scholar" and Purveyor of the Finest of Things

Not much is known about the Snood Trunion, aside from the well-documented exploits of his brother and sister Trunions. No, the Snood Trunion much despises familiarity, prefering to sulk around in the dark, shadowy confines of his grand manor, which is widely known to be the largest building in Folktown. It is rumored he has a great many young females traipsing his halls, tending to his every whim. It is also rumored that the grand building in Folktown is not even his residence. As he keeps his business so secretive, most of what is "known" about him is purely hearsay. Many don't even know what manner of species of creature he is, and those who do know, and do tell, are taken with their word as false.

As for the validity of "Snood" being his real name, is has been widely reported that the moniker is indeed an alias. Reports of his actual name vary, from one "official" publication outing him as Corinne Gublingmig, the female adventurer from several centuries ago, to another purporting to have evidence of a written certificate of his birth, in which his name is shown to be Bryan Andrews. But then again, no one could (or should, for that matter) ever be born with such a droll name.

Bryan Andrews, Ghyll Player

A young man of twenty years making his home in rural Texas with wife and three children. At nineteen, obtained an electronic mailing address, situated at Yahoo!. Currently unemployed, as all great scholars tend to be.


Urching tracks, and phantoms Toria.

And another thing: This is my user page, and if I want to arbitrarily change some facets of my character, I will, damnit!

No worries there - largely, your user page is NOT CANON, so it has little effect on the rest of Ghyll-- unless, of course, you actually write about yourself in one of your official turns - at which point, then ANYONE could write about you (such as your family, now, in Urching tracks) and it has to be treated as fact. --Morbus Iff 11:27, 17 October 2005 (EDT)