User:Nikos of Ant

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Nikos of Ant

Nikos of Ant is a scholar of great renown (even if only within his small circle of friends and colleagues). He has had a life-long interest in the near ancient past (between -900 EC and -200 EC) and has actively pursued, purchased & produced items of great historical significance, just ask the folks who frequent Professor's Pub in Odlucia. Born long ago he was early orphaned and given as ward to the great archaeologist How'Kartr of Pant (who himself had lived over a half-life by that time). Being raised by a man steeped in dirt and the things that come out of it, having led a life of grubbing (as the kids today say) and spelunking, and being in his own over-the-half-hill, suffice it so say that Nikos knows his stuff. Nowadays with his legs, back & arms not being what they used to be Nikos prefers to use the services of students, wannabe-students, and the occasional mendicant-whore in the acquisition of new and rare items.

--Nikos of Ant 15:54, 4 May 2005 (EDT)