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dib'd --Nikos of Ant 16:30, 13 Sep 2005 (EDT)

...a lean Ghyllian, tall and gaunt, an almost firghtening visage what with his top hat and pincertails

...proprietor of the Cirq l' Tytns; a hodgepodge of feral clowns, altoxian bulb eaters, and a quintet of orphaned urchins

The circuit of the Cirq encompasses the route of the Qestarius River. In fact, few outside of this river region even know of the existence of the Cirq. The region, known for its dismal drainage and eerie amphibians, is also home to no towns... none, nula, nishta, nada. The residents who have chosen to nest therein live in villages, hamlets, and hideouts; examples include Hvar (population 31), Krag (pop. 29), Mulch (pop. 24), and Uothe (pop. 17). Though many would ask why any entertainer would choose such a poor spectrum of civility to peddle their goods, once one gets to know Qane, all such questions vanish.

The main attraction of the Cirq is the Tytns - the quintet from which the whole Cirq gets its name. This quintet is made up of Bat-Boy, Miss Wonder, Lightning, the Submerger, and the Crossbow. These five performers are each interesting and together fascinating, and the stories of their respective orphaning quite heart-tearing.

A secondary attraction, though not part of the main show (for obvious reasons), are the feral clowns. Kept far from the children, these strange and obscene characters are kept mostly within a traveling-house of their own making. It has been said by some that it is larger within than without, but too one must not forget the potberrie juice that all drink before entering the place (ostensibly to calm the nerves says the clown wrangler). What is inside few care to describe, and the Cirq is quite pleased to sustain this mystery. The few who were willing to answer direct questions regarding their foray into the Clown House spoke of macabre images on the walls within and of murmured whispering. I have notated just a few of the "messages" seen and heard by various participants:

the way of midnight is full of danger...
never trust a word to Bruce, that one-armed rogue...
the Black Flame shall ignite the world...
Pthul is just beyond...
the frogs rise when the Chud arrives...
they're coming to get you, Barbara...