World of Warcraft Quest Tracker Updated to 1.2

I've released a new version of my World of Warcraft Quest Tracker today, bringing it to version 1.2:

  • removed "Unknown" categories/zones.
  • checks reported quest IDs vs. active quest IDs.
  • 30 second wait, then re-request, if zone URL returns no data.
  • removed "Updated" images that showed up next to quest titles.

You can see the latest output for my level 60 Troll Shaman, Morbulin, here. One of the new features, "check reported quest IDs vs. active quest IDs", will probably fail more often than not: for my Horde character, there were a number of quests that are flagged as only Alliance, so I got about a dozen bogus reports there. Otherwise, a very basic incremental release - I was surprised to see it still worked since the last release a year ago.

Yes, I bought the Burning Crusade. No, I've not played it for more than a few hours. Sigh.