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More Vintage Stupidity: =JUDGECAL'S= "High Weirdness"
Posted Thu May 3 11:01:18 2001 by orooney

By Bill Lessard

Researching the Pseudo chapter of the second NetSlaves book, I turned up the archive of one of Pseudo's most infamous shows - =JUDGECAL'S= High Weirdness, a program that could be best described as Wayne's World meets the early 90s East Village on the way to having holes drilled in your skull.

No, I'm not kidding.

Episode 27, HW's swansong, which aired on June 19, 2000, features the "Toecutter" - a person who takes delight (or something like that) in removing parts of his own anatomy. In this particular outing, he lops off part of a finger using a hammer and chisel.

In a previous episode, dated June 5 2000, =JUDGECAL= gets his lip pierced and sidekick Laura "Thugz" Foy brings down the house by piercing her own nipple.

Of course, this is all quite mild compared to Johnny "Jackass" Knoxville's spraying himself in the face with pepper spray, zapping himself with a tazer and a stun gun in Episode 11.

Want more? The April 11 show was performed sans pants, and featured faked and real footage of trepanation - drilling holes in one's head.

And for you Stile Project fans, the man himself appears several times to reveal a soft white underbelly and an acute intellect.

WTF? you say. Beats us. Josh Harris, Pseudo's Clown Prince, was aiming to take down CBS and other big media which such "content." But the real lunatics were Intel and the other morons who gave them money to produce such crap, which under the guise of "broadband media," was really just a Web-based version of public access.

See for yourself if you think we're lying. In fact, we're probably not doing justice to the weirdness of "High Weirdness" and the show's Billy Idol-headed host, =JUDGECAL=.
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Date: Thu May 3 15:48:19 2001
I think Generation X will be remembered for video games and skateboards (forget their music).

Date: Thu May 3 15:03:13 2001
Comment: well - this one justifies my broadband collection. Very Wiemar republic. This is what Generation X is going to be remembered by - a ghost video?

Name: heedlesshouseman
Date: Thu May 3 14:59:34 2001
What's to miss. Streaming video hardly/rarely works. That's my point.

Date: Thu May 3 14:06:30 2001
Comment: >I really wanted to see that chick pierce her nips. ;-)

What about that bikini-clad gal smeared with peanut butter with marshmellows in a heart-shaped pattern on her thorax. I want more of this - how much do I have to pay to see the new Pseudo? I'm there!

Name: MasterPo
Date: Thu May 3 13:46:30 2001
Anon - Not missing much. Cuuldn't get the video streaming to work. I really wanted to see that chick pierce her nips. ;-)

Date: Thu May 3 13:20:47 2001
Comment: this shit is what I'm going to miss about the Web....

Name: heedlesshouseman
Date: Thu May 3 13:18:16 2001
Are we there yet?