. . . : ; C h i c o ' s G r o o v e ; : . . . . . . : ; . . . : ; xisytrof - february 10 2000 . . . : ; . . . : ; http://www.disobey.com/ . . . : ; The "WAITING IMPATIENTLY" Notice When you're waiting impatiently for the suck-ass Internet Explorer 4.0 to download from some guy's 9600 modem just so you can get Windows Update, it's time to do Chico's Groove. Even if you're a couple of weeks early. So here you go. . . . : ; The "DEVIATED SEPTUMS" Notice By a couple of weeks early, I mean that I normally whip out Chico's Groove the day it's due (can't you tell?), frantically transcribing my scribbles into readable text. Devil Shat I normally do the day before. Yup. You got it, I love pulling from my ass at the last moment. . . . : ; ANNOUNCEMENTS and three for a dollar candy... ANNOUNCEMENT: Disobey is now the spiffy publisher of yet another excellent piece of zinedom: Viewer Discretion. Created by the same joker who publishes The Annihilation Fountain, Viewer Discretion involves insane love affairs between its readers, complicated idiocies dummied up with poetry, and other loosely related words that all point to an amazingly good read. You can subscribe via the box appearing on Disobey, or else by sending an email to majordomo@disobey.com with the body reading "Subscribe ViewerDiscretion". Trust me, if you even glance at anything else that Disobey publishes, be sure to get the VD you deserve. NEW DEVIL SHAT (#SixtyOne): What happens when Morbus asks his girlfriend for the new issue's topic? What happens when he reminisces about his elementary days, and metallic twangs that hurt his ears and squinted his eyes? And what the hell is Rown Garnbii talking about Cracker Jacks for? It all relates, in yes, the newest issue of Devil Shat. Read on! NEW GHOST SITES: The thirty fourth issue of Ghost Sites became available this past month, graciously fueled on by an odd influx in the number of submissions through the Ghost-O-Meter - thank you! With this issue returns an old friend: Dr. Frederick Lenz (why won't you leave the Net ALONE!) and many more of what you've come to expect. COLLECTED WORKS UPDATED: Collected Works got a HUGE update with new code highlighting "The Box", better support for tiny resolutions, and (gasp) new content! Yes, that's right! Prepare yourself to read another entry in "The Denver Diaries" from C. Barry Slough as well as "After What Happened to Solt" and "The All But Kung-Fu Class" from Ben Ohmart. And coming next month: new people and more content! How exciting! (Ok. End press-release enthusiasm. Go back to normal old self. Sigh.) THE BOX: Dun dun dun!! "The Box" has started to make its way on the pages of Disobey. "The Box" is a cross pollinational thingy that is eventually going to grace every page of the Disobey site - allowing easy subscription, referral, and news no matter what you're looking at. After having placed "The Box" on four different sections of Disobey, the results have been remarkable - subscriptions have been going up like crazy. This is a good thing. MINOR CHANGES: Minor changes to The Horror Section this month, as more people identify the unknown; finally got around to updating the DNN site - there was a time where the "recent news" went as far back as October. Also added "The Box" to its pages; new code changes on the main page and the associated "About" pages (you won't notice); more to come next month as I get back into the "Groove"! . . . : ; EVERYTHING else and makes typing difficult... EMAIL KETCHUP: I've been trying to keep current on the email, and have done relatively decently. I think I'm only about two or three days behind now. For a bit, I was answering emails from three months ago, which surely caused a "what the hell was I talking about?" cramp. 150 emails a day is just getting me down. Filters taking care of most of the junk equaling 120 answerable messages a day. Sigh. It hurts, it hurts! FUN WITH INCOMPATIBILITY: "The Box" was the latest bit of annoyance when it came to Windows and Mac. Not with the code - the code itself was fine and easy (come on, it's HTML for God's sake). No, it's all about gamma. Macintosh's have a ... "brighter" gamma than PC's do, and this caused tons of fun when you're looking at a blurry red on a black background, or a light pink on a white background. Combine that with I have a crappy monitor for the PC machine, and you've got frustration, multiple chair rollings, and repetitive visits to the graphics program. AMITYMONITOR: A while back, I got a throwaway monitor from the ISP I work at. It's resolution switching was all mixed up and would occasionally not turn on. It worked though, so I took it home and hooked it up to one of my machines. It worked fine for about a month - minor qualm here and there, but nothing all that exciting. Recently, though, it has received a mind of its own. It'll be in sleep mode, I'll be in another room, and it will suddenly turn itself on. Ok, some monitors do that based on software, no big deal, you say. Uh huh. This monitor will turn itself off and on for about 20 minutes on end. And then it'll sleep. Pass an hour, and it does it again. It's quite... amityville-ish. FUN FUN: I've been learning Coldfusion quickly over the past couple of weeks - we've gotten a Que book from Ben Forta, and I'm halfway through the damn thing. Already got three different projects (only one is truly Disobey related) that would work wonderfully under Coldfusion. One is heavily fueled by desire. . . . : ; BLAHBLAHS OF THE WEEK: ( january 14th - february 10th ) [Stupidity-of-the-Week]-= Aliasing ---To make a boring tech story exciting would be pointless. Thus, ---I'll keep this as humorless as possible by combining sentence ---fragments with multiple periods: Setting up new Majordomo mailing ---list. Subscribed multiple addresses, most of which were silly ---disobey.com names. Sent out email to list. Not all names ---received mailing. Deleted everything. Started over. And again. ---What the? Sob. Sob. Sigh. Drink. Sob. Brainstorm! Twiddle. ---Fiddle. Faddle. Ahhhh... Bwa hahahaha... [Translation-of-the-Week]-= Aliasing ---When sendmail, the mail daemon, sees one message going to ---multiple emails that all resolve to one box on the server, it ---sends only one occurance of said email to prevent mail bombing ---and spam. My quip that Majordomo wasn't sending to all ---aliases was because sendmail was protecting me from bombing, ---while at the same time making me feel very, very stupid. [Games-of-the-Week]-= NeoGeo and Arcade ---I've been playing NeoGeo games like the devil, as well as ---various other arcade games in an attempt to stop spending ---tons of money on computer games that never work on my ---crapass NT system (ruuunnn-on!). Not that the hardware is bad, ---rather NT is the worse thing to hit games ever (that was a no- ---brainer, I know). Hopefully, later this week, Windows 98 will ---be happily taking it's place. [Newest-Acquisition-of-the-Week]-= Atari Mania ---I had gotten an Atari around the Christmas holidays, and a ---few meager games, only some of which I remembered from my ---childhood. The hunt began for good deals, and cheap steals ---(wow, that was amazingly horrible), the penultimate being ---finding a box of about 30 or 40 games in some old guy's ---barn for only 10 bucks. Wonderful! Multiple copies of ---some games, a heart magnet wedged in the bottom of the ---box, and many two liters of soda made a very enjoyable night. [Frustration-of-the-Week]-= Trying to Change ---My dislike of NT finally got the best of me, and I tried to ---get Windows 98 or even Windows 95 on a four gig drive. Since ---I only had upgrade disks, I knew it'd be a long process with ---the DOS install, the Windows 3.1 install, and finally the ---upgrade. But I was ready. Four hours later, I realized I ---had forgotten about DOS's 2 gig limitation on a partition. ---Balls. Split the 4 gig in half, and found out that Win 3.1 ---couldn't see my CD. And after much poking, prodding, and ---yelling, I went back to Windows NT. Argh! [Movie-of-the-Week]-= Alfred Hitchcock's ROPE ---Couldn't sleep one night, and I was pleasantly surprised ---to see Hammer's MUMMY playing on AMC. Later, at midnight, ---and still not tired, I was informed that a Hitchcock movie ---was coming up. Works for me. An hour and a half later, I ---can only give enormous recommendations to rent ROPE. What ---a wonderful and delightfully macabre movie. And with only ---eight edits during the whole film, it's not only interesting ---to follow, but nice to look at. . . . : ; The Issue Could Have Been Less Jittery . . . : ; SUBSCRIBE: majordomo@disobey.com BODY: Subscribe ChicosGroove . . . : ; UNSUBSCRIBE: majordomo@disobey.com BODY: Unsubscribe ChicosGroove