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Dibbeth upon this. --Brother Arfrus 10:39, 5 Jul 2005 (EDT)

Hungfold is a Xuriental import to Ghyll.

Croam Olpo and his companions were impressed. Croam's grandson, Dogui Olpo first brought hungfold saplings to Ghyll and began raising hungfold domestically.

The famed Pretty Impressive Fence of Xurient relied on the strength and durability of hungfold to remain standing for as long as it has. Hungfold has proved to be much less prone to rot and decay than some other woods, such as grelb and fibrier, which would not be likely to last more than a few score years with such exposure.

The groves raised by the monks of the Order of Mnerr typically include a bosk of hungfold among the varieties of trees they tend. These arborists were quick to embrace a new tree species and to grow samples.

In recent years it has been discovered that hungfold sap greatly increased extraction rates in the production of essence of tristero. Though many producers continue to use old methods, the increased availability of tristero has led to increases in the production of kreem pyes, which may have ramifications for the Brothers of the Lantern and others concerned with the condition of the heh-blammo balance.

Citations: Xurient, Order of Mnerr, tristero.

Research info:

Zhur Fruit It should also be noted of their decorative principles: if cut into specific shapes after they have sprouted, they tend to stay in said given shape, making greenery statues common. Little is known of these "artists", except that they have claimed to use hungfold frameworks to support them, though this is likely a lie.

Grupfish This was not the word Grupfish, as you might expect, but was in fact the word Hungfold, which has a completely different meaning.