LEGO bricks organization

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Revision as of 18:58, 19 November 2011 by Morbus Iff (talk | contribs)
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Morbus Iff organizes his LEGO bricks into tackle/bead divider boxes for the smallest pieces (which paradoxically then take up the most amount of room but are far more accessible), and zip bags for larger pieces, then shoves those elements into larger drawer bins. The following is my forever in-progress organization. Images from This is not meant to list every piece I have (Brickset + Peeron FTW), but rather to indicate where like items go.

Drawer 1

Drawer 2

Divider Box

Row 1

Row 2

Row 3

Row 4

Bag "T05": Plates

Bags "T06" and "T07": Bricks

Bags "W01" and "W02": Wheels and Vehicle Parts