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A renowned freethinker, philosopher and artist of the Fifteenth century.

It was Alarius that first brought forth the possibility that History as we know it may not only have been recorded and written by the victorious but constantly re-written in order to cloud the minds of the mundane. The Encyclopaedia of Lost Lore (Bureau of Forgotten Knowledge) says: Our understanding of Reasoned thought changed with the philosophy of this man, never again would we accept the truth of one individual.

It is well known the philosophies of investigation, thought and critical understanding pioneered by this man drives the Bureau to this day. Some say that his philosphies have blinded the organisation from other possibilities. Alarius's grandest achievement was his fresco at the Palace of Lost Souls; when you enter, the work has you believe you are standing at the point of creation looking below at the universe just created.

Of course this work also prompted his grandest blunder. At corridors leading to the main work a visitor is drawn to the depictions of the people on either side. It is well known that they were inspired by those the artist knew. One such depiction does however show alteration, investigation has shown that the alteration was made within weeks of the original being completed. The original shows that Alarius had extensive knowledge of the lady in question. The change in the painting may explain why after his completion of the fresco Alarius became a travelling philosopher. And has some have said, one who travelled widely and quickly.

Citations: Bureau of Forgotten Knowledge, Palace of Lost Souls.

--Bartmoss 19:20, 30 Aug 2004 (EDT)