. . . : ; C h i c o ' s G r o o v e ; : . . . . . . : ; . . . : ; eninytrof - may 11 2000 . . . : ; . . . : ; http://www.disobey.com/ . . . : ; The "CHICO'S GROOVE LITE" Notice Yup. It's the inevitable theme issue. . . . : ; The "THEME ISSUE?" Notice Ok. Well, it's not really a theme. It's more like "Morbus worked on a bunch of stuff that's unfinished, so nothing was noticeably accomplished this past month". This issue, in turn, is incredibly tiny. I call it a "theme" to make it seem like I planned this all along. That's a crafty editor trick. . . . : ; ANNOUNCEMENTS and yeah, we believe you Morbus... NEW DEVIL SHAT (#SixtyFour): Surprising everyone, Morbus actually wrote an article this issue entitled "Welcome Front". A pathetic and annoying play on words. Speaking of annoying, that's the theme (there's that trick again) for his article. And ants taking over the world. That's a subplot though. And gearing up for his final installment, Rown Garnbii returns with the Ninth Commandment of the Bible (false witnessing, lying, and burning in hell, oh my!). NEW GHOST SITES (#37): Filled with more submissions than one man should handle, a new issue of Ghost Sites was released with a threatening opener: "It's a sure bet that the recent NASDAQ meltdown will yield many Ghost Sites in the weeks and months ahead." What evil lurks in the hearts of misguided visionaries? Find out! TWO NEW VIEWER DISCRETIONS: As is typical, IGNORE the HYPE (his real name will not be spoken - he is Canadian after all) has wrought two new issues of Viewer Discretions. These stupid things keep getting better. Sure wish there were more, like, bad ascii art. Or something. No, I was not prompted to say that. NEW NETSLAVES MATERIAL: Tons of new NetSlaves material has been added in the past month, and you can only expect more in the coming months. Along with the daily updates, find new Combat Manuals, Between the Lies, Screams from our Readers, a new feature entitled "Mirsky's Open Source Business Plans" and the atypical so-much-more. . . . : ; EVERYTHING else and it's true, so shut up... CODING: I've been coding in Perl like a crazy nut bitch ("a wha?", "i dunno", "oh") the past couple of weeks. Those are the unreleased projects I was telling you about. Along with doing custom work for various people, I'm working on some scripts to make ISPs and Web Developers more flexible and "hands free" when it comes to dynamic customer sites. I know, that made no sense. GAMES: I've also been playing tons of games lately, primarily Starcraft and Age of Empires 2. I've got a fetish for RTS, although if you ask me to play with another human, I'll shake my head vigorously no (and not because I don't want to humiliate you. i suck. hardcore.). And I can say I'm researching too. Secret Perl project. Very hush hush. Oops. I did it again! (ARGggGgHhhHh! Read Devil Shat to get the in-joke). . . . : ; BLAHBLAHS OF THE WEEK: ( april 14th - may 11th ) [Catch-of-the-Week]-= New issue of CoN ---While you were sleeping (in Seattle), a new issue of Capital of ---Nasty was unleashed. Although not published by Disobey (hey, ---they're Canadian too, and one is enough), you can catch the ---latest issue at the official text archive at Disobey. See it. ---Wax at how poetic it is. And how much better. [Dislike-of-the-Week]-= Random Heatwaves ---It's always enjoyable when its cold one day and then 90 degrees ---satanically humid the next two days. And then back to cold. It ---does wonders for adaptability, I tell ya. [Kickass-Company-of-the-Week]-= O'Reilly ---This should be of the millennium, actually. O'Reilly gets huge ---amounts of points for replacing a book that was damaged while ---"fooling around" as it were. I couldn't believe they even ---responded to my pitiful email, much less with a positive ---outlook. I love O'Reilly and there shall be no other. [Stupid-Gift-of-the-Week]-= Free T-Shirt ---Bwa hahaha. I took some stupid survey on the Allaire site to ---help them gauge where they should be going in the future. ---Because I was one of fifty randomly chosen entries, now I get ---a nifty Allaire t-shirt. Whoo hoo! . . . : ; The Issue Could Have Eaten More . . . : ; SUBSCRIBE: majordomo@disobey.com BODY: Subscribe ChicosGroove . . . : ; UNSUBSCRIBE: majordomo@disobey.com BODY: Unsubscribe ChicosGroove