. . . : ; C h i c o ' s G r o o v e ; : . . . . . . : ; . . . : ; nevesytrof - march 09 2000 . . . : ; . . . : ; http://www.disobey.com/ . . . : ; The "I'M GONNA BITCH" Notice You know, I'm not really in the mood to write for Chico's Groove this time around. Yeah, it's a blow-off text file, but still, you have to get some enthusiasm to put fingers to plastic and rip out one of these. Much less the fact that I've got about 300 games in various forms to try out and take screenshots of, plus ICQ messages annoying the hell out of me, plus various projects that are just bugging the heck out of me to finish. . . . : ; The "SO...?" Notice So? So! You know, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have to do this thing. If it weren't for you, I could treat it with the same sort of reverence as say... oh, I dunno, Viewer Discretion, and blow out an issue based on reader submissions only and say that I'm an "editor". Or then again, I may have delusions of grandeur and try to take over the world. Cos I'm American. And we're sue happy. Bitch. . . . : ; ANNOUNCEMENTS and whoa, morbus needs to calm down... NEW DEVIL SHAT (#SixtyTwo): And you know what? I didn't feel like writing in Devil Shat either, even though I had a great piece that jumped out at me about Jesus and plastic Grab bags. It was gonna be great. No, instead, you're treated to the well-received ASSHOLIC from Rown Garnbii, as well as a reader submission shamefully ripped from an email conversation. Bitch. NEW GHOST SITES (#35): The newest Ghost Sites was posted this past month, and because the theme of Chico's Groove is "Don't Want to be Here (bitch!)", I'll rip right from Steve Baldwin's opening statements: "February means it's Ennui Central around here. But our pathological cabin fever is lifted by the steady stream of Dead Site tips that loyal readers of this despised column keep stuffing into our e-mail boxes with the latest reports of Web Rot. Thank you all for keeping us focussed on the true horror of winter: Dead Web Sites frozen beneath the ice!" DETERGENT CHANGES: Detergent was given a mighty update this past month with revised coding that I'm finally happy with, another update to the Quote Script to bring it to 484 quotes (and the subsequent updating of Macintosh quote program), and THREE NEW FORTUNE COOKIES! Wow. Yes, that's right! THREE NEW FORTUNE COOKIES! BITCH! Go check it out. And a simple test to see if I'm wasting my time: what do people think about having a different movie (in addition to the famous sheep movie) every month or so? I've got kazillions of em... OFFICIAL TEXT DISTRO FOR: Yup. Another one. Going five years now, Capital of Nasty text issues are now available only through Disobey. If you've come to trust the content that Disobey has thrown at you, then you can't go wrong with what Capital of Nasty has. Run by a good friend and future competitor (), the only bad thing Capital of Nasty has going for them is the fact they're Canadian bitches. CGI REORGANIZATION: Finally organized the cgi scripts Disobey uses for its various methods of taking over the world (bitch), including bug fixes, reductions, and blah blah blah. And added some other nifty special things that you'll see shortly. SHORTLY? Yup. On March 15th, you'll see a brand new NetSlaves... one designed to be more streamlined, better organized, and happily dynamic. Make our opening a pleasant one, and set cron to let you know. (Gasp! You don't have cron? Much less know what one is! Sigh. Bitch! (slap!)) . . . : ; EVERYTHING else and bitch... MORBUS BEING A LAWYER: Yeah, that's right. I went to lawyer school and received a diploma in legal techno mumbo jumbo. And putting it to good use in a contract this past month makes me realize that it only alienates people. And worries Canadians. Freakin' Canadians and Quebecians who think they're cool because they can swear in French. Sigh. Anyways, being a lawyer is not fun, and I don't recommend it. (And please don't email me... no, I didn't become a freakin' lawyer. Bitch.) FINALLY! REDEMPTION: I finally, finally, finally, installed Windows 98 on my PC and got rid of that thing that MS calls NT. Sheesh. After doing so, I promptly went out, rebought all the crap I had returned because it didn't work under NT, and now I'm a happy camper. And emulators work properly now. But I didn't say that, so you can't sue me. Bitch! (can we see a pattern here, perhaps?) . . . : ; BLAHBLAHS OF THE WEEK: ( february 11th - march 9th ) [Stupidity-of-the-Week]-= Atari Games ---Popping in to my local Salvation Army always proved fruitful - ---people getting rid of good junk in the name of charity. But, I ---made a horrible mistake this past weekend. Someone dropped off ---about 500 Atari games, a wood panelled Atari, and some of the ---remote controlled joysticks. I didn't buy them because I didn't ---have the money on me. Later, when I had money, I called them ---to see if they'd cut me a deal for the whole lot. And they ---were gone. Those damn old bitches sold my Atari shit to some ---one else. That made me mad. Voices in the back of my head ---said I was richer now. I disagreed, rightfully so. [Emptiness-of-the-Week] Chico's Groove ---You'll notice that this issue is incredibly thin. Although ---you may want to attribute that to my laziness or ill desire ---(bitch), you're wrong. It's actually because I've been working ---on that new NetSlaves thing I was telling you about, and it's ---taken up a huge amount of time. Or it could, on the other ---hand, have something to do with a new project, which closely ---related to the latin meaning of Morbus. It'll all make sense ---someday. . . . : ; The Issue Could Have Been More Enthusiastic . . . : ; SUBSCRIBE: majordomo@disobey.com BODY: Subscribe ChicosGroove . . . : ; UNSUBSCRIBE: majordomo@disobey.com BODY: Unsubscribe ChicosGroove