. . . : ; C h i c o ' s G r o o v e ; : . . . . . . : ; . . . : ; owtytrof - october 14 1999 . . . : ; . . . : ; http://www.disobey.com/ . . . : ; The "PHLEGM-CAN-BURN-IN-HELL" Notice Well, I haven't had any headaches recently (I've just doomed myself, I know), but the newest thing to annoy me has been phlegm. Good old phlegm (it rhymes with "friend" for a reason, you know) has been living at the back of my throat, and flavoring every bit of food that goes there. It's also fun to try and cough up, but no, it never does. . . . : ; The "DAMMIT-HURRY-UP" Notice I hate sharing a laundry room with other tenants. We need to make a schedule or something. "This is your day, these are my days". Sigh. Freakin' people. I'm just not in a good mood this issue (that's a random bit of unrelated info, thank you). . . . : ; ANNOUNCEMENTS and i think dreadlocks are back in style... THE HORROR SECTION: October 31st, 1999: the last Halloween of the Millennium. Although every holiday is getting a wonderful bit of recognition because it'll be "the last one!", Halloween holds a special significance in my heart. Thus, as the clock strokes midnight, beckoning a day where dressing up and getting candy from strangers is a-ok, Disobey will release The Horror Section. Its been in the planning stages for years, but finally it sees the light of day. Take a look at the teaser, send your suggestions, and wait impatiently: http://www.disobey.com/horror/ NEW DEVIL SHAT (#FiftySeven): Part Two of "The Greatest Column Ever Told" moves on to the next commandment, and the outlook doesn't look so good for Rown Garnbii. Find out why as well as the reasons why Viacom is making a fuss with Melissa Joan Hart and her recent exposes in Maxim and Bikini Magazine. NEW CHICO'S GROOVE (#OWTYTROF): A new issue of Chico's Groo.... uh, waitaminut. Never mind. NEW GHOST SITES (#31): Not even the Lord can escape the scathing remarks of Steve Baldwin. Yes, that's right, the newest issue of Ghost Sites has been released, and although shorter than usual, it doesn't let up on the attitude you've come to love. You'll also notice some minor changes to the site. For example, the Ghost Sites shirt is no longer for sale - we want to thank you for making that an arousing success. We also made it a lot easier for you to subscribe to Ghost Sites, finally interfacing with the new mailing list manager we harped about last issue. Some other minor changes, but nothing anyone but an anal father like myself would notice. NEW NETSLAVES: "Jill Maxi Schreibman isn't after a big IPO. She doesn't want to get rich in the Net business -- like many NetSlaves, she just wants to get by and save enough money to eventually get out and do something meaningful -- like having her own ice cream truck. With all the hype you hear these days about technology, Jill is a breath of fresh air and the advice she gives fellow NetSlaves has a value the market will never understand." Along with a brand new main page, loads of new content (including weekly stock tips!), and the well used Oracle, this is not an issue you'd really want to miss. DISAPPEARANCE OF ZERO: Observant viewers will notice that Zero, the Disobey section by John Treacy which carried his mp3 music has disappeared. Although the reasons why have been whispered in various quarters, there is no official statement why. I don't see it returning. More than one person has expressed joy. MOST POINTLESS UPDATE OF THE WEEK: I changed the Meta "KeyWords" to "Keywords". Uh huh. Sheesh. I must've liked capitols long long ago when I did that. OTHER STUFF: The main page code was revised a tiny bit, causing an incredible time saving .2 second reduction. Also revised were all of the "About" pages, where you can read such wonderful tidbits as the history of Disobey, who its creator is (and an astonishingly arousing photo) and more. I also cut down on the craziness of the .htaccess files which do a lot of fun server side things to the site - now there are only two. Do you really care about this stuff? I know the answer to that question, really I do. But when I'm fifty and can't pee by myself, I can at least look back at these back issues and see how productive I was. OTHER NEW THINGS: The newest issues of Viewer Discretion and AntiPress are now available at Low Bandwidth. If you like even a little bit of Disobey, you'll love these zines - check them out. . . . : ; EVERYTHING else and i'm teasing my hair into them... PROVING I'M DISOBEY: Welp, someone finally did it. They wrote a check out to Disobey as opposed to me, personally. Half an hour later, even though they kept giving a skeptical look to the business license, I finally got my freakin' money. Argh. I hate banks. MOVIES WATCHED: Very few, to be true, basically due to the crap ass TV we have. We watched DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS (which was actually the last movie to grace the good TV's tube), PRETTY WOMAN (sigh, I had to give in, really), THE HOWLING (which was adequately dismal), and MARY SHELLEY'S FRANKENSTEIN (which just can't match the Universal in terms of history, but is incredibly exquisite story wise.). CONSOLE FONT ON REDHAT: Welp, ten suggestions later and I still haven't been able to faithfully reproduce the ANSI blocks and lines that were a mainstay in the BBS days. I still have a few things to try, but I'm not too confident that they'll bring magic. I really wish the magic, I do. I need some red slippers, dammit. OK, YEAH, UH HUH, WE CARE: The very few people who read last issue will remember that I changed my email program over to Outlook Express. Although this itself is nothing exciting, you had better sit down for the following bit: I updated all my signatures! Yes, that's right! Now you can see them in stunning 72characters-o-vision. Uh huh. I bet you're just dying to email me now, aren't you? NEW PLAYSTATION GAMES: I finally got enough games that are long enough to satisfy me without having to run out to the store and get new ones. These are: LEGACY OF KAIN: SOUL REAVER, APE ESCAPE, FINAL FANTASY VIII, and MONSTER RANCHER 2. Some of you may remember that the lack of updates to Disobey over the past month were due to FFVIII. Of course, with the new crappy TV, I just won't insult my PlayStation that way, so I'm effectively grounded from playing games. Sniff. And I was on Disc II of FFVIII too. Sniff, sniff. . . . : ; BLAHBLAHS OF THE WEEK: ( september 10th - october 14th ) [Annoyance-of-the-Week]-= Crap Ass TV ---Due to the disappearance of the good TV, we now have a TV that puts ---your grandpa's set to shame. Huge, bulky, and with a horrible picture, ---it has nonetheless carried us through many a boring night. Which is ---probably a bad thing. Anyways, if you want to send money, then ---I SUPPOSE I'll begrudgingly take it, but you'll have to break my arm. [New-Toy-of-the-Week]-= New Computer ---Uh huh, you heard it right. I finally got a freakin' new computer, ---bought at an incredibly price at Onsale.com. It's an IBM server, with ---a 400 mhz Pentium II, 64 megs of RAM, and a six gig HD. I threw in ---a sound card and a SCSI card, and now I'm having a blast. [New-Lesson-of-the-Week]-= The Aforementioned SCSI and Sound Card ---Being ever cheap and "wanting to do it myself", I resolved to ---throw the sound card and SCSI card in the box myself. I'd never ---done crap like this before, and you know what? It was simple as ---American Pie (ugh)! Sheesh. I thought that shit was hard. The hardest ---part of everything was getting the sound and SCSI card to stop ---living at the same IRQ. A little jaunt in the BIOS later and ---everything was fine. [A-BLAST-DOING-WHAT?-of-the-Week]-= Game Playing and Radio Listening ---Some of the more stupid things that I've accomplished with the ---new computer has been playing crappy ass games which can be ---downloaded in under an hour (wow! what a concept!) and listening ---to rantradio.com, which has got to be the best station I've ---heard in quite a while. Has been playing 24/7 since January ---and has been doing a damn good job at it, as well. I and Disobey.com ---fully endorse these guys. . . . : ; The Issue Was Full of Sniffles and Snot . . . : ; SUBSCRIBE: majordomo@disobey.com BODY: Subscribe ChicosGroove . . . : ; UNSUBSCRIBE: majordomo@disobey.com BODY: Unsubscribe ChicosGroove