. . . : ; C h i c o ' s G r o o v e ; : . . . . . . : ; . . . : ; enin - apr 23 1998 . . . : ; . . . : ; http://www.disobey.com/ . . . : ; The "WHY-ARE-WE-DOING-THIS?" Notice Well, we started doing it just because we had so many updates that it was taking up too much of Devil Shat's room. So, we decided to move them into its own newsletter. And then people started reading it. . . . : ; The "HOW-DO-YOU-FEEL-ABOUT-ITS-SUCCESS" Notice Its success? What are you talking about? It's a stupid newsletter to let people know what we changed with the website and all the exciting and boring stuff that is happening with our lives. Success is on a different side of the equation here, bub. . . . : ; ANNOUNCEMENTS and I can't believe I just said "bub" NEW DEVIL SHAT (#Twenty Five): Well, along with the fact that this is the twentyfifth issue of Devil Shat, another exciting little bit of info is that when May 1st rolls around, Devil Shat will have been one year old. 25 issues in one year. That's a nice output. And oh yeah, we are not going to die, so for all those people who have been hoping, phhbbtt! Anyways, this issue you can see the results of a little experiment we played a while back: proposition people for a rebuttal piece based upon a certain topic. And that is why you can read about five reasons why and why not we need Christianity. NEW CHICO'S GROOVE (#enin): Also this week, we released... a... oh, wait.... um, nevermind. HOPE, HOPE, A SEARCH FOR NEW HOPE: The reason there haven't been that many updates to the site is because we have been hard at work at the newest section of our site, Low Bandwidth. We're pushing for the end of April release date. We don't know if we can make it, but we're sure as hell gonna try. What is it? Wait and see. TEXT? TEXT!: We finally got around to adding a button for the text section of Disobey. Now, you can see something pretty before you get thrown into a non-HTML directory with plain-text staring back at you. Hey, it's an easy, low bandwidth (secret! secret!) way of getting all the back issues of our stuff. MINOR UPDATES: Disobey Random Quote script is now hosting 349 entries. We were just short of 350. How disappointing. We also modified some of the images in Devil Shat, nothing big though, you'd never notice (and changed one slight error in our coding). We also uploaded the whole site again, as we made a bunch of stupid little changes that no one would really have noticed. What people might have noticed is that we added another award, moved the Devil Shat award to the Devil Shat section, and got rid of the counter images from the Detergent section. Like I said, nothing no one would notice. . . . : ; EVERYTHING else and hey, beezel"bub" WE'RE STARS: Well, we got on the front page of the Concord Monitor, which is our capitol city newspaper. And hey! Now we can insult the media because we have been a part of it! Ah twell. Yup, that's right. Disobey got front page of the local newspaper around here and we're still trying to come to terms on whether or not we liked all the looks that people gave us as we walked around the city. Hey, works for us. Hopefully, we'll have the article up on the site sometime, so you can read it. HOLY SHAT, BATGUANA!: Well, we've been averaging about 1200 hits a week on the website. Most of the time that is pushed up to about 1400. However, due to that newspaper article (see above), the website trafficked a whopping 5,817 hits in the past week. That's pretty damn cool. . . . : ; BLAHBLAHS OF THE WEEK: ( apr 10th - apr 23rd ) [Movies-Morbus-Has-Seen-of-the-Week]-= Yup. Not that many... ---Faust (1994 Czech film, damn good, made no sense, though); ---Snow White: A Tale of Terror (Sam Neill, Sigourney Weaver star ---in this flick, well done, but not scary. Weaver lip synching ---was really funny though; Popcorn: This movie kicks ass. Must see. ---Makes me want to start a horrorthon. [The-"I'm-Lazy"-Of-The-Week]-= Chico's Groove ---The main reason why there are only two Blah Blah's this week. ---We could have spouted off about our brand spanking new, kick-ass ---site but that would a social faux pas. . . . : ; The Issue Was Made In A Confused Daze . . . : ; SUBSCRIBE: majordomo@disobey.com BODY: Subscribe ChicosGroove . . . : ; UNSUBSCRIBE: majordomo@disobey.com BODY: Unsubscribe ChicosGroove