. . . : ; C h i c o ' s G r o o v e ; : . . . . . . : ; . . . : ; neves - mar 26 1998 . . . : ; . . . : ; http://www.disobey.com/ . . . : ; The "HEY-LOOK!-SEVEN-BACKWARDS-IS-NEVES" Notice That doesn't mean it has anything to do with Neve Campbell, but still Scream is an awesome movie, so we dedicate this issue to her. . . . : ; The "GOD-DAMN-MY-BACK-HURTS" Notice I dunno why. Even after getting a massage, my lower back feels like 1995-Oprah is sitting on it. Ah twell. . . . : ; ANNOUNCEMENTS and waiting for a movie to download NEW GHOST SITES RELEASED (#14): It's good. Where else can you get Christmas in March? NEW DEVIL SHAT RELEASED (#TwentyThree): The return of the Devil Shat Dictionary makes its final visitation this issue. Find out what the hell we were talking about all those other times. Oh yeah, G. Nih Ton saves the world. DEVIL SHAT UPDATES: Well, the Devil's Dictionary in our "specials" section has been updated through issue twenty-three, so that is relentlessly exciting. We also added email to issue twenty-two and a very nice email to our generic judgements (also in "specials") TEXT ISSUES! TEXT ISSUES!: Yeah, we took the time to make sure everything was all in nice text so that all platforms could read them and threw them up on the site. So what are you're options? You can go read the HTML versions of your favorite zine, and be astonished by our great design, or you can just go to http://www.disobey.com/text/ and read the plain text issue and print them out and send them to all your friends, and post them on telephone poles around town, and hell, you know how you have to do a laundry this week? Yeah, well, um, leave some copies there too. Everything we have ever published (excluding WebShit) is in that directory, so have a blast. AND THE BAD THING IS?: Ok, well, because we put all the text issues online, we have now removed the Back Issue feature of our mail server. So, if you send messages to us with requests for back issues, you will be quietly rebuked. Go to http://www.disobey.com/text/ instead. OK, NOPE, THE REALLY BAD THING IS: Today is the last day that SDM will be on the Disobey website. What happened? Basically, some old curmudgeon decided it wasn't good enough for his suck-ass server and that he was afraid he'd get complaint letters in the mail from his other subscribers. Ultimatum's were given: SDM comes down or Disobey comes down. Money prevailed in a circumstance where doing what was right should have. MINOR UPDATES: SDM contents were converted to a monospaced font because frankly, it was annoying trying to make them look lined up. We also changed "Instatorials" to read "Survey". A lot of people didn't know what the hell it meant, and thus, didn't click on the damn thing. Columbus would be pissed. But, it doesn't really matter anyways, because hell, evil is afoot... well, censorship more like it. . . . : ; EVERYTHING else and what movie? Celebrity DeathMatch MORBUS IS A LAZY... WELL, YOU KNOW: Well, you remember how last week he was getting a new computer? Well, yeah, he got it, and what did he do? Play Quake all weekend, and play with mp3s and RealVideo stuff. Not impressive, huh? He could probably back it up by saying he was erm, uhh... researching for a new section, but that would be a boldfaced lie. So anyways, the site was a little slow on updates for a couple of days, but he has promised not to do it again. WE'RE GOING CRAZY: Yes, we are. Do not ask why or we will shoot you. Evil. . . . : ; BLAHBLAHS OF THE WEEK: ( mar 13th - mar 26th ) [Why Blahs Blahs Suck This Week of the Week]-= Dependance ---Asked a simple favor, got a favorable response, and what ---did I get? Shit. [Oops of the Week]-= Templates Suck ---Because sometimes you forget to change the date. ---Like on last issues Chico's Groove. But that's alright, ---because no one noticed anyways. . . . : ; The Issue Was Strained Through an Elephant . . . : ; SUBSCRIBE: majordomo@disobey.com BODY: Subscribe ChicosGroove . . . : ; UNSUBSCRIBE: majordomo@disobey.com BODY: Unsubscribe ChicosGroove