. . . : ; C h i c o ' s G r o o v e ; : . . . . . . : ; . . . : ; ruof - feb 12 1998 . . . : ; . . . : ; http://www.disobey.com/ . . . : ; The "WHAT-THE-HELL-IS-A-FLYING-PHALANGER" Notice Any of several phalangers having a fold of skin on each side of the body, permitting gliding leaps. . . . : ; The "OKAY-WHAT-IS-A-PHALANGER" Notice Any tree-dwelling Australian marsupial of the family Phalangeridae, including mouselike, squirrellike, and lemurlike forms. So basically, in a nutshell, it is a real life Transformer. Aren't you glad you learned something new? . . . : ; ANNOUNCEMENTS and everything squirrellike from Disobey DEVIL SHAT EMAIL GOES CRAZY: A bit of indecision over the past week about Devil Shat email. Well, more accurately, the name of the section. Right now, it is called "Judgements", which was suggested by a reader way back in Issue Four probably. Morbus was sitting on the can and thought that "Speak of the Devil" would be an even better name for it. So, he got through changing half of them over when he realized that he could do something much better with that phrase. He doesn't know what yet, but that really isn't the point. Anyways, new email has been added to the following Devil Shat issues: One through Eight, Twelve and Thirteen. DEVIL SHAT GETS ISSN AND OTHER NEWS: We finally got the email back from issn.org about our magical number. Now, we feel even more important, and our form for Ulrich's International Periodical Guide has been submitted. Our ISSN number is: 1097-8534. Looks impressive? We're thinking about getting a numerologist to look at it, and tell us what it means. Anyways, we also modified the front page a bit to allow for easier subscribing and some other minor additions. We also picked up a new co-editor, Circes116, who has even volunteered to edit the old issues, which is pretty damn cool. AND NEW DEVIL SHAT (#Twenty): Devil Shat news is getting kinda boring, huh? Well, this is the last one. The new issue includes an article entitled "Love, Sex, and Thanks For All the Fish". We didn't even have to time this one for Love-o-ween... with the Clinton allegations getting more media play that should be humanly bareable, it just seemed like a good time. Also included is a fiction piece by Morbus: "It Came Upon A Love Scene". QUOTE SCRIPT: The quote script was updated twice within this past two weeks, and now stands at a hefty 308 quotes. We also added a downloadable JavaScript version that includes 150 of 'em; its the same script that we used before it got too damn big. We also now support StartupQuote, a Macintosh shareware program that builds a new StartupScreen with a new quote each time you start your computer. You can download this from the site too... we update it monthly.. If you have a PC program that has something to do with quotes, and you want us to support that, then send us an email. QUICK UPDATES: New fortune cookie added: we went to the Family Buffet again this week, and they didn't fail us. We also added a new award to the award page, along with our own "bite the hand that feeds us" criticism. We also corrected some spacing problems in Ghost Sites and added an easier subscribe form. Zero also takes a vacation from the site. It will be back. . . . : ; EVERYTHING else and things that are lemurlike. NEW SSH!: We've got a bunch of em, and as such, we are very busy trying to provide you with some quality sections, unlike all those "other" websites. A lot of them are hush hush at the moment, but expect two databases of something, one genre, and some other nifty little things. Of course, now that we have mentioned them, we have probably doomed them. Ah twell. THE SAGA CONTINUES: Most of the people who have been reading Chico's Groove (as opposed to just deleting it and grumbling) have some idea about Socially Deranged Mentality, a site we offered to host on Disobey. Along with one writer bitching about SDM and offering to work for us, and the editor of SDM bitching about the writer, and wanting to join us, there are still those who think we are a bad ticket: ==----------------------------------== Morbus? All right, let's cut the bullshit. I went to my therapist and he suggested I face the source of my tension, so here goes. From what I've heard, it's no secret whatsoever about this proposed "takeover" of sdm. It's also no secret that Mr. G. Nih Ton is kissing your ass because we're done kissing his. I also know that Paul has been in contact with you and that he has accepted your offer. Do I have a problem with this? Not just yes, but HELL FUCKING YEAH! I have a problem. My therapist has told me that the anger I have against you guys is jealousy. Maybe. Then again, I always thought he was a dickhead. Anyways... I've gotten over the fact that you want to buy out the competition. I have no problem with that, and because Paul says your cool, I'll buy into that. All I'm saying is that you've got hell to pay if this thing becomes some lame ass ego exstension for disobey and its offspring. In other words, don't attempt a creative takeover, because it can't happen. One more thing, getting involved with Mr. G. Nih Ton can be bad for you health. Take it from me, I had to put up his web page. Selfish, picky, pain in the ass asshole. Pete (Dwain). ==----------------------------------== Hehehe. I don't know. I'll probably piss off some more people, but stuff like this is great. EVIL RELIGIOUS PEOPLE THINGY STUFF: We'll include the mail in the next issue if you want to read 'em, but in a nutshell, Disobey is being attacked by religious zealots. Which is pretty damn funny. See, Morbus writes an article for Fitshaced Magazine where Satan has gone to Heaven because the balance between good and evil has been upset. The story is involved enough as it is, but these zealots read the article, sent mail to Satan (which bounces to my mailbox) to which I replied. They visited Disobey, had collective gasps, and now are getting everyone in their little "We Love God" group to annoy us. We've gotten massmails, spams, and the prayer to help us "come around". Just wanted to let you guys know. . . . : ; BLAHBLAHS OF THE WEEK: ( jan 30th - feb 12th ) [Junk Food of the Week]--= SALAD BAR!! ---Not really junk food, but close. Morbus got a new job so all he ---eats now is massive collections of food from the nearby supermarkets. ---Just get one of those plastic tins and fill em up with stuff. They all ---go to the same place. ["Ha Ha Got You!" of the Week]--= Influence ---Working in an office superstore and spreading the news about Disobey ---and picking up people who need websites designed and will pay ass- ---loads of money for it. [Fastest Money of the Week]--= Five Minutes, $75 ---Commissions are great, eh? . . . : ; The Issue Was Passed Through a Mouse . . . : ; SUBSCRIBE: majordomo@disobey.com BODY: Subscribe ChicosGroove . . . : ; UNSUBSCRIBE: majordomo@disobey.com BODY: Unsubscribe ChicosGroove