. . . : ; C h i c o ' s G r o o v e ; : . . . . . . : ; . . . : ; eerht - jan 29 1998 . . . : ; . . . : ; http://www.disobey.com/ . . . : ; The "WHAT-THE-HELL-THIS-SHOULD-HAVE-BEEN" Notice Well, it was supposed to be some stupid update newsletter that would be sent out every so often. You know, kinda like the bottom thing in Devil Shat. We removed it from Devil Shat cos it had gotten to big, and bloated, and hell, we weren't reaching everyone we could have. So we made this thing which is also the name of a good Chemical Brother's song. Anyways. . . . : ; The "I CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING TO GO HERE" Notice Well, I guess I could have but we're kinda in a hurry to finish this. . . . : ; ANNOUNCEMENTS and all that oth- phosphorous? what the hell? AWARDS, KUDOS, AND APPEARANCES: Ghost Sites appeared on the last page of Internet World magazine this month. Nice little mention too... little "ghosties" logo, and top of the page mention. And the band wagon effect started happening also. A day later, the whole site was mentioned in Netsurfer Digest Volume 4, Issue 2, and then we were chosen as the site of the week at Laziness.com (another award! whoo dog). AND NEW DEVIL SHAT (#Nineteen): You Are What You Type by Morbus. The only article this issue because all of our reader submissions have been inappropiate due to our new quality control system. Man, we just sounded like a supermarket just then. Ah twell. DEVIL SHAT IS BETTER... WE KNEW THAT: A while ago we received an email from a good friend of ours: Leandro from Capital of Nasty. We've been carrying on conversations for a while, enjoying each other's zine and generally have a good relationship. Naturally, the conversation often steered to each of our zines, and why they are better than the others and so forth. But, as much as we argued (we took out the rest of the message, cos you really don't need to know what twisted topic we were talking about): To: Morbus Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 19:36:57 +0000 p.s. Yes, Devil Shat IS better than CoN!! The harsh truth!! ___ Leandro Asnaghi-Nicastro (LA672) Capital of Nasty Electronic Magazine - ISSN 1482-0471 Editor in Chief - http://www.capnasty.org AND NEW GHOST SITES (#12): Another issue of the dead zine that has been growing more and more incredibly popular... a special issue, to be true, as it is composed almost entirely of reader contributions. Read it and find out why "Enjoying Your MoM ... is a tall order." NEW ZERO STUFF: Couple of new things over at Zero, our original music section. Along with a new song to download entitled "4", you can read Yakub's review on the "Closure" video from Nine Inch Nails. All in preparation for release of the full-length CD: "Closing Themes for the Opened". A WHOLELOTTA COLLECTED: The Collected Works section got a major u-haul this past week. The Jimmie Guzman Arroyo and Anders Morgenthaler sections have been removed due to the new guidelines we have decided upon, and a lotta new work has been added. There have been four new stories added to Morbus Iff, five added to the Ben Ohmart section, and six added to C. Barry Slough. We are currently looking for some artists to grace the pages... if you have any idea of who would be a good choice, send mail to us. QUICK UPDATES: Added a tarot card reading Morbus received to the Fortune Cookie section of Detergent. We also added some more reader mail to Devil Shat issues one, seventeen, and eighteen. . . . : ; EVERYTHING else and things that no one really cares about LITTLE KNOWN TIP NUMBER ONE: Hey, psst, over here. If you are going onto the Detergent section of the website, youc an always tell the latest updated website because it is nearest the top of the page. DISSENTION FROM BELOW, PART TWO: Last issue we made a mention of Socially Deranged Mentality, a site we had looked into and offered to host. And you might have remembered reading an email sent to us from one of their writers (G. Nih Ton) complaining about how horrible SDM was and that we should retract our offer. Well, even if he did want to write for Devil Shat, we forwarded his mail to the editor of SDM. ==----------------------------------== I thank you for forwarding me a copy of "Nihhy's" message to me. I read it and let me just say this: He's full of shit. Yes, it is true that we seeked him out in his hometown. Yes, we did enter into a contract with him that gave us rights to his works. Yes, we had been in contact with his wife, but that was only because he was being a bitch and we hoped to run some sort of column with a man and his ex-wife (George & Alana, Viva Variety). Instead, she threatened us. What he neglected to tell you was that his wife thought he we knew his whereabouts and threatened to sue us because he wasn't paying alimony. Now that I've discredited the bastard, let me add this. He has given us his notice, which doesn't matter since we have the right to publish anything of his written before '97. Allow me save you some trouble by using his own words. DON'T YOU FUCKING DO IT! Getting involved with this man is more trouble than he is worth, not too mention, the world's biggest asshole. If you can, casually lose everything he has ever written, he'll hold it against you. He's even convinced that The New Yorker has formulated a conspiracy to keep him from becoming the next J.D. Salinger. Please don't run that article if he offers it to you. You'll thank me for it. As for your offer, it is all but accepted. I've spoken to the people here who work on putting it all together and for the most part, all agree with it. There were two dissenters, but one's leaving (no matter what he says, him leaving and your offer, are not related) and the other's put so much into SDM, that he won't leave for fear of my fucking it up. Nevertheless, we all agree, our world will be a much better place with the absence of Mr. G. Nih Ton. Good riddance. BTW, the person who "spit" on your message did do so. He was the last dissenter I told you about. I'm sure that if I can talk to him, he will see things the right way. If anything, we believe that everyone should be able to voice their thoughts. Far be it from any of us to stop anyone. Thanks for the offer, we hope to do business. Paul B. Whitley Editor, Socially Deranged Mentality ==----------------------------------== So, now, we're a little confused on our next step. I tend to lean toward Paul's side because his story is more credible but we know that anyone can lie their ass off. We're at a standstill. We kinda like the article G. Nih Ton sent us. It was funny, it was good, it was well written... but we like SDM too. Hmmm. Damn it. Let's open it up to the phone lines: what do you think we should do? LITTLE KNOWN TIP NUMBER TWO: All of our company mailings include " .ili. " in the subject line. So, if you wanted to set up some sort of filter thingy to send all our mail to a Disobey folder, you can set all your filters to pick up on those letters. . . . : ; BLAHBLAHS OF THE WEEK: ( jan 15th - jan 29th ) [Junk Food of the Week]--= Choco-Thingies ---We don't remember what they are called cos we ate the last one ---a couple of days ago, but they were old, and we happened to be ---near a vending machine when it was being restocked, so this guy ---gave them to us. [Soda of the Week]--= Sunkist ---You don't want to know how many bottles of this stuff Morbus has ---in his refrigerator. They are all flat too. Has anyone else noticed that ---the "u" and the "n" are connected? [Hassle of the Week]--= Being Too Popular ---Everyone is knocking on our door. Well, Microsoft hasn't been but ---no one wants them anymore. And why the hell is it "cool" to bash ---Microsoft? Shut the hell up and move on with your life. [Stupid Thing of the Week]--= Forgetting to Restock Business Cards ---Everytime we meet someone who deserves one, we open up our ---collective wallets to find that we gave the last one out to someone ---who will probably never have internet access. [Cool Free Things of the Week]--= Free Print Zines ---Wine with Thieves, and this... um... thing called "Raven". . . . : ; The Issue Was Written On a Bathroom Stall . . . : ; SUBSCRIBE: majordomo@disobey.com BODY: Subscribe ChicosGroove . . . : ; UNSUBSCRIBE: majordomo@disobey.com BODY: Unsubscribe ChicosGroove